Sunday, August 23, 2020
Race and racism (evolution Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Race and prejudice (development - Coursework Example A model is Pedro Alonzo Nino who was a pilot of a boat in the armada drove by Christopher Columbus and was accepted to be African (Smedley 89). Local Americans on the other were less abused as slaves because of the way that a significant number of them got sick regularly and capitulated to European infections. They were likewise seen to be fierce and many would escape since they realized the land better than any other individual. This left the grower no decision however to exploit the powerless Africans and transform them into slaves. It is in 1661 that Virginia was conceded a proper slave status by Queen Elizabeth which permitted captives to be purchased and sold simply like some other product. From this time Africans’ status dropped definitely and they were thus accepted to be second rate compared to every other race. This legitimateness to exchange slaves encouraged and kept up this exchange for a considerable length of time. There was the discernment that the whites were i ncreasingly better than every other race while the rest were named as minorities individuals. The whites in America even dismissed workers from Europe. They professed to be organically not quite the same as all migrants paying little heed to beginning. This discernment made cracks in the general public which made the Americans rule others. The New World sustained slave exchange since they had huge grounds which were profitable and the atmosphere was ideal (106). This followed a huge extension of ranches in Georgia and South Carolina which meant expanded creation levels of rice and tobacco. These slaves did a lot of work which the white hirelings had wouldn't accomplish for instance depleting of bogs. West Africans proved to be useful particularly in rice developing ranches since they knew about the sort of work required as their mom lands developed rice. Slaves labored for 15 hours regularly particularly during the gather season. One administrator was required to direct at least 20 slaves accomplishing burdensome work and when a slave lazed around, the supervisor should whip them. The way that slaves were modest to purchase and keep up observed grower get them in masses in order to plant and develop progressively (281). As prior demonstrated slaves used to work for a long time for every day which meant guard harvests and in this way blasting ranch business. Numerous manor proprietors like the Byrd family from Virginia went to be very rich. Such families met up to shape exclusive classes of grower in the southern states who guaranteed that slave exchange remained on the grounds that it was a life saver to their riches. A few slaves additionally bolstered the exchange attributable to the way that a few, particularly the supervisors, lived preferable lives over the one they left in Africa. Q2 America is included individuals from an assortment of ethnic foundations. At the point when America was sorting out itself as a nation numerous individuals gushed in as sett lers from everywhere throughout the world however larger part from Europe. Every one of these individuals on their appearance to the United States found a general public carefully delineated progressively based on ethnicity (Sacks 55). These chains of importance characterized ones social and monetary status accordingly confines had been set with respect to what one should or shouldn't do. The white pioneers are the ones who set these progressions to secure their inclinations and to constrain others from misusing existing assets. The African-American populace particularly before the common war was sentenced to subjugation. European foreigners like the Irish individuals filled in as workers or bosses in homesteads or little
Friday, August 21, 2020
Comparison Of Rdbms Oodbms And Ordbms Information Technology Essay
Examination Of Rdbms Oodbms And Ordbms Information Technology Essay The introduction of the similitudes and contrasts between social demonstrating of information and the item situated displaying of information is critical both for information base architects and for clients. By being very much familiar with the social model and by noticing the similitudes and contrasts between the two ways to deal with information demonstrating, fashioners will have the option to transform into account and to utilize the effectively obtained understanding as a significant reason for comprehension and learning the procedure of planning object situated databases. At that point if fashioners know the likenesses and contrasts between these two methodologies they have the likelihood to change over a social model into an item situated model and contrarily Informatica Economica Journal. 01/01/2007; I like this! You like this distribution /**************************** What is the contrast between odbms rdbms and ordbms? In: Database Programming, JAVA Programming [Edit categories] Information Warehousing Software Industry driving information warehousing Gather keep up steady information Promotions by Google [Improve] Answer The contrasts between the three methodologies Table 1: A Comparison of Database Management Systems Criteria RDBMS ODBMS ORDBMS Defining standard SQL2 ODMG-2.0 SQL3 (in process) Support for object-situated highlights Does not bolster; It is hard to outline item to the database Supports broadly Limited help; generally to new information types Usage Easy to utilize OK for software engineers; some SQL access for end clients Easy to use aside from certain expansions Support for complex connections Does not bolster dynamic datatypes Supports a wide assortment of datatypes and information with complex between connections Supports Abstract datatypes and complex connections Performance Very great execution Relatively less execution Expected to perform very well Product development Relatively old thus develop This idea is scarcely any years old thus moderately develop Still being developed stage so youthful. The utilization of SQL Extensive backings SQL OQL is like SQL, yet with extra highligh ts like Complex articles and item arranged highlights. SQL3 is being created with OO highlights consolidated in it Advantages Its reliance on SQL, moderately straightforward question improvement henceforth great execution It can deal with a wide range of complex applications, reusability of code, less coding Ability to inquiry complex applications and capacity to deal with enormous and complex applications Disadvantages Inability to deal with complex applications Low execution because of complex inquiry enhancement, failure to help huge scope frameworks Low execution in web applications Support from sellers It is viewed as profoundly fruitful so the market size is exceptionally huge however numerous merchants are moving towards ORDBMS Presently deficient with regards to seller support because of tremendous size of RDBMS showcase All major RDBMS merchants are after this so has excellent future /********************************** OODBMS (Object Oriented Database Management System) Basics client by Bridewin, on Sun Nov 1, 2009 7:22am PST 2 Comments Post a Comment Peruse More from This Author  » Report Abuse OODBMS System An article database (additionally object-situated database) is a database model in which data is spoken to as items as utilized in object-arranged programming. Article databases are a specialty field inside the more extensive DBMS showcase overwhelmed by social database the executives frameworks (RDBMS). Article databases have been considered since the mid 1980s and 1990s however they have had little effect on standard business information preparing, however there is some use in specific zones. At the point when database capacities are joined with object-situated (OO) programming language abilities, the outcome is an article database the board framework (ODBMS). Todays pattern in programming dialects is to use objects, in this manner making OODBMS perfect for OO software engineers since they can build up the item, store them as articles, and can repeat or adjust existing articles to make new articles inside the OODBMS. Data today incorporates information as well as video, sound, diagrams, and photographs which are viewed as unpredictable information types. Social DBMS arent locally equipped for supporting these mind boggling information types. By being coordinated with the programming language, the software engineer can keep up consistency inside one condition in light of the fact that both the OODBMS and the programming language will utilize a similar model of portrayal. Social DBMS ventures utilizing complex information types would need to be isolated into two separate errands: the database model and the application. As the use of electronic innovation increments with the execution of Intranets and extranets, organizations have a personal stake in OODBMS to show their mind boggling information. Utilizing a DBMS that has been explicitly intended to store information as articles gives a favorable position to those organizations that are outfitted towards interactive media introduction or associations that use PC helped plan (CAD). Some item arranged databases are intended to function admirably with object-situated programming dialects, for example, Python, Perl, Java, C#, Visual Basic .NET, C++, Objective-C and Smalltalk; others have their own programming dialects. ODBMSs use the very same model as item situated programming dialects. Points of interest: The principle advantage of making a database with objects as information is speed. OODBMS are quicker than social DBMS since information isnt put away in social lines and segments however as articles. Articles have a numerous to numerous relationship and are gotten to by the utilization of pointers. Pointers are connected to articles to set up connections. Another advantage of OODBMS is that it very well may be customized with little procedural contrasts without influencing the whole framework. This is generally useful for those associations that have information connections that arent completely clear or need to change these relations to fulfill the new business necessities. This capacity to change connections prompts another advantage which is that social DBMS cannot deal with complex information models while OODBMS can. Detriments: Increasingly slow hard to figure than social. Absence of interoperability with an incredible number of instruments/includes that are underestimated in the SQL world, including however not constrained to industry standard availability, announcing devices, OLAP apparatuses, and reinforcement and recuperation guidelines. Come up short on a formal numerical establishment, in contrast to the social model, and this thus prompts shortcomings in their inquiry support. Applications: Item databases dependent on determined programming gained a specialty in application zones, for example, building and spatial databases, broadcast communications, and logical zones, for example, high vitality material science and sub-atomic science. They have had little effect on standard business information handling, however there is some utilization in particular territories of budgetary services.[6][7] It is additionally important that object databases held the record for the Worlds biggest database (being the first to hold more than 1000 terabytes at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)[8] and the most noteworthy ingest rate at any point recorded for a business database at more than one Terabyte for each hour. Another gathering of item databases centers around inserted use in gadgets, bundled programming, and constant frameworks. database-the executives framework rudiments 533483/ /************************************** Perceptions from a Tech Architect: Enterprise Implementation Issues Solutions by Craig Borysowich (Chief Technology Tactician) Venture Technology Architect Craig Borysowich shares the difficulties and accomplishments of big business arrangement structure and that's only the tip of the iceberg Undertaking Technology Architect Craig Borysowich shares the difficulties and accomplishments of big business arrangement plan and execution. ..less Blog Mainâ / Archiveâ / Invite Peersâ RSSRSS for Postsâ / RSS for Comments Past Entry/Next Entry A few Pros Cons of Relational Databases Craig Borysowich (Chief Technology Tactician)â postedâ 5/1/2008 | Commentsâ (0) (0) If it's not too much trouble Sign In or Register to like this blog. Working Offer Offer The social model for databases gives the fundamental DBMS qualities. What's more, a RDBMS additionally complies with Codds model. Social Database Characteristics Dr. Codd set up 12 principles to which a DBMS must comply with be viewed as social. DBMSs fluctuate in the manner by which they consent to these standards, be that as it may, business social databases for the most part comply with these guidelines. Qualities of RDBMS Adaptable and entrenched. Sound hypothetical establishment and use over numerous years has brought about steady, normalized items accessible. Standard information get to language through SQL. Expenses and dangers related with huge improvement endeavors and with huge databases are surely known. The essential structure, i.e., a table, is effortlessly comprehended and the plan and standardization process is all around characterized. Shortcomings of RDBMS Execution issues related with re-gathering basic information structur
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Sleepy Hollow Remnants of Times Not So Far Past - Literature Essay Samples
In Washington Irvings The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the theme of haunting is dominant; the haunting itself is purely a human creation and is created solely to meet human needs. Though at times it can seem quite realistic due to emotions evoked through Irvings masterful use of imagery, it is at all times quite fictional, even to the narrator. Haunting is continuously associated with stretches of the imagination, and also mostly with live or animate things: trees, animals, sounds escaping from the wilderness. The idea of haunting, which leads to stories told by the Sleepy Hollow community, begins when there are no answers to curious happenings, or when the given answers are not satisfactory, or even mundane. The idea is then perpetuated when citizens begin to elaborate and incite new notions of ghosts and goblins from the original stories. The haunting begins, however, with supernatural explanations for simple events in the past, such as Andres capture during the war; though this i s a simple and not uncommon event in wartime, Sleepy Hollow is clutching to the past through vivid story telling. The fact that it is storytelling is subtly clear.One of the key ways that the reader can tell that the haunting is fictitiousor at the very least extremely questionableis through the narrators word choice. Though the story is supposed to be an historical account of events that actually occurred in Sleepy Hollow, he often questions the veracity of the haunting. Even at the climactic point in which Ichabod faces the Headless Horseman, the narrator writes that Ichabod beheld (1082) the horsemans disfigured shape, and that it appeared (1083) massive in the darkness. He never uses concrete verbs, such as was, because it is not certain that what Ichabod ascertains is truly what is present. He carefully chooses his diction to simultaneously show what Ichabod is seeing as well as the fact that only he is seeing itit is well possible that it does not exist. He does this str ikingly well in the sentence, Ichabod was horror struck, on perceiving that he was headless (1083). There is no doubt that the protagonist believes completely in what he is seeing, but the use of the word perception is key; it throws doubt upon the believability of Ichabods sense of reality.This false sense of haunting that is seen so clearly through Ichabods eyes manifests itself in particular places within the text. There are various moments in which nature gives him the feeling of being haunted, though it is harmless.Then, as he wended his way, by swamp and stream andawful woodland, . . .every sound of nature, at that witchinghour, fluttered his excited imagination: the moan of thewhip-or-will from the hill side; the boading cry of the treetoad; . . .the dreary hooting of the screech owl. . . (1064)The wilderness scares him, haunts him in a sense. Through the present naturethe shadows cast by trees, the sounds of forest animalsIchabod, like all the other Sleepy Hollow resident s, fears the past. It is the witching hour merely because it is dark outside, and the sounds frighten him merely because he has an excited imagination, and for no real substantial reason. Like the tree and stream that Andre is said to haunt, there is nothing that is really to be fearedmerely shadows and cricket chirps, wind rustling leaves. The fear, however, is a result of the stories that are told, not necessarily of the actual surroundings. That Andre was captured is not a scary story, but that his spirit remains to haunt can be construed as frightening; it is purely imagination, though, that causes these stories to be told in the first place.The unfaithfulness of such stories is revealed toward the end of the tale. The reader is told that Ichabod is indeed alive and well following his supposed abduction from Sleepy Hollow by the Headless Horseman. The residents of the town also come into this knowledge by a farmer that has seen him firsthand. However, the old country wive s maintain to this day, that Ichabod was spirited away by supernatural means the schoolhouse was reported to be haunted by the ghost of the unfortunate pedagogue (1086). The Dutch wives, who are the perpetuators of the haunting stories throughout the text, persist in creating stories that they know to be false. They continually take what little past they have, and turn it into stories so that it is not lost, so that there is a history upon which they can build their present. But because they have so little past, they need to use the present to create a pastthey use what happens to make a new history, a new past, building upon what they have already created.Ichabod is a prime example of this practice. He is clearly still alive, but he is in the history of Sleepy Hollow because he is no longer bodily present. The true reason for his disappearance is not satisfactory and is not exciting enough material with which to make a history, so the Dutch wives concoct their own history, and it becomes truth. Everyone who enters Sleepy Hollow becomes subject to their whimsical tales, and falls into their belief system, no matter however wide awake they may have been before they entered the sleepy region (1060). They cannot be held at fault, however. There is simply so little past that they need to preserve what they have through what is now present, what is now alive. This is shown through the abundance of live and animated haunting imagery. The haunting comes solely from within them, and only manifests itself in these external things. For these people that lack a past, fictitious events become legend, and then those legends become history.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Controversy Regarding The Practice And Effectiveness...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper is designed to address four major controversies concerning the practice and effectiveness of the current United States education system and discuss potential solutions to these issues. The four controversies we will be addressing are; o Lack of student centered learning o Religion in public schooling o Lack of importance the US government places on higher level education o Need for more focus on thinking 1. The lack of student centered learning is an issue because of the fact that it is not widely known. Student centered learning is a teaching approach that incorporates participating in self-paced learning programs and/or group scenarios, substituting lectures with active learning, leading up to holding the student responsible for his or her own improvements in education. The focus on this kind of learning could greatly improve our education system in America because it makes the students responsible for their success. The teaching of that type of responsibility will make for a more reliable and advanced generation. 2. Religion in public schooling is a major controversy proven by the fact that Americans have been debating the place of God in schools almost repeatedly since public education got its start in the country nearly two hundred years ago. As the United States becomes more religiously diverse, its shared doubt on this issue becomes more prominent. Not even the Supreme Court, with its muddled and unclear ruling on the establishmentShow MoreRelatedEssay on Managed Care1158 Words  | 5 PagesManaged Care To decide on whether or not an issue is considered ethical or moral we need the hard cold facts. Facts expose or explain what is to be decided upon#8212;not what the outcome should be. Decisions regarding health care and mental health issues represent a major portion of ethical and moral choices. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Everybody knows that the most enthralling stories have a...
Everybody knows that the most enthralling stories have a good villain. A â€Å"good†villain refers to a character who is ruthless, cunning, and an all-around mastermind who keeps the audience guessing. One of the most interesting villains is Iago from William Shakespeare’s Othello. Iago is a villain who has been analyzed for 500 years and still has no clear motivations for his evil acts. Fast forward a few centuries from the time Iago was created and take one of the most interesting characters from the CW’s television series The Vampire Diaries who happens to be the elusive vampire, Katherine Pierce. Both of these villains are similar in their manipulative nature, their motivations, and their impacts on the characters and stories. One of the†¦show more content†¦As the series progresses the audience comes to find out that they are not the first men she had wrapped around her finger, and they are not the last either. Making men fall for her is only one w ay she has manipulated people. Katherine, like Iago, makes people seem like she is their loyal friend until she stabs them in the back. Not only do these two characters share the talent to manipulate, but they are also both very proud of this certain talent that they possess. Not once does either of them show any guilt. â€Å"Iago freely acknowledges what he both is and is not, and revels in his revelry†(Singer). Iago often rejoices when his plan is working (Shakespeare). Katherine also acknowledges w=all the lies she is able to get people to believe about her and is quite proud of it. She is proud of being able to charm men into doing anything for her, Both of the characters show little remorse for all of the lying and manipulating that they do. Another way that Katherine and Iago compare is the fact that neither of their motivations for doing the things they do are always clear. One of the most confusing things about Iago’s character is why he is so determined to ru in Othello’s life. He gives the audience multiple reasons, yet it is not known if any
Digital image analysis of yell Essay Example For Students
Digital image analysis of yell Essay Digital Image Analysis of Yellowstone National ParkIntroductionRemote sensing refers to the tele-observational surveying and mapping of physical, urban and environmental features. Remote Sensing is also a composite of many other subjects such as aerial photography, radar surveying, thermal surveying, weather forecasting and photogrammetry. It has now become quite common practice to use remotely sensed data to take inventory, monitor and develop effective management practices of our natural resources. ObjectiveIt is the purpose of this paper to further enhance the understanding of remotely sensed data in such a way that we may assist the human brain in the extraction and interpretation of this data through digital image analysis data manipulation techniques, such as rectification, enhancement and classification. The application of conventional and non-conventional image enhancement /classification procedures will be applied to an area of The Old Faithful section of the North Fork forest fire within Yellowstone National Park as it existed on September 8, 1988. They will also be applied to Nile Delta region of Egypt. Conventional technology in the context of this paper refers to imagery that is uni-dimensional, that is, it has only one spectral band available for analysis. The term non-conventional will refer to imagery that has multi bands available for manipulation and analysis. Methods of enhancement utilized in the multi-band portion of this project include: colour and histogram image enhancement normalization and image algebra enhancement filtering image enhancement band transformations (eigen pictures) image enhancement coventional methods of enhancementMethods of classification utilized in this project include: signature training ( sampling) supervised classification, PPD, Mindis, Maximumlikliehood unsupervised classification, histogram equalization, clusteringMethods of enhancement used in uni-scene portion of this project include: histogram equalization uni-band filtering image enhancement Data AcqisitionData acquisition refers to the data by means of information gathering about the scale selection of the remote sensing formats and the target identification of the surveyed and mapped resources. In this analysis we have acquired Landsat Thematic Mapper data which consists of seven spectral bands and covers a 512512 picture element area. The Landsat ground resolution or pixel size is 3030 metres which translates to an area coverage of 235.93 square kilometres of ground coverage, which is a subset region of the Yellowstone National Park. The Nile Delta region is located in nothern Egypt and the data acquired was originally acquired for delta topgraphy. The data is Landsat MSS with one available band and covers a 580640 picture element area. The Landsat MSS ground resolution is 8080 metres which translates to an area coverage 2211.84 square kilometres of ground coverage. In addition to the above mentioned sources of data, a supplimental map has been attached with the defined study area. Data ProcessingRefers to the process whereby one observes, classifies. and analysis specific targets or features found on the imagery and defines and explains the importance of those results. Data Application/UtilizationThe surveying and mapping of either environmental, physical, or human resources from aerial photographs or satellite imagery. The main purpose of data application is to make an inventory, monitor, and make proper resource management plans for the future. ConclusionA comparison of the conventional (single band) and unconventional (multi-band) enhancement and classification is necessary to complete this analysis of image enhancement and image classification in digital image analysis. It is quite obvious that the multi-band data set was more useful and flexible when it came to classification and enhancement. Many methods of enhancement were applied to the multi-band data and there were a lot of methods to chose from, depending on the type of features that were to be highlighted. That is not to say that the conventional methods of classification and enhancement are obsolete. It only means you must chose the best methods of enhancement to highlight a particular area in which you are interested.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Philosophy Essays - Epistemology, Philosophical Methodology
Philosophy March 7, 1999 Descartes' Extreme Philosophy The philosopher/scientist/mathematician Rene Descartes lived in a time of sweeping changes across all realms of knowledge. Descartes himself was responsible for many of these changes, one of which was a strong advancement in philosophy. Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy tackle, among many things, two difficult philosophical issues. The method in which these issues are dealt with, however, tends to be on the extreme side, since Descartes is determined to build upon ideas that are indubitable. Descartes' meditations give a great deal to the field of philosophy, but they could have been composed in a more understandable way for people. Rene Descartes lived in an era of both extreme skepticism and scientific advancement. This era, the Scientific Revolution, occurred between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. During this era, strong advancements were made in seemingly every area of scholarly knowledge. One important element that arose during these times was skepticism, the denial of anything that could reasonably be denied. Skeptics existed to exploit any mistake made by scientists and scholars, as every idea and piece of knowledge would be subject to attack unless it was indisputable. So, if someone wanted to make a contribution to a scholarly field, they needed to make sure it would survive under scrutiny of the skeptics. Descartes was himself a man full of contributions to the world of knowledge, and luckily enough a bit of a skeptic. Only by being able to think like a skeptic was Descartes able compose his meditations with so few weak points. Descartes' Meditations were written in extreme defense against all types of skepticism. The only weak points Descartes left in his Meditations were those which he based upon religion. Religious skepticism was a particularly large obstacle to his philosophy, since the easiest way to support all of his knowledge was to affirm the existence of an all-loving God. Descartes had three separate proofs- causal, ontological, and design- for the existence of God that could be a foundation for the rest of his philosophy. However, he knew that some skeptics would deny the existence of God no matter what, so there needed to be some foundation that did not rely on faith. This foundation was the statement "I am, I exist", which according to Descartes must necessarily be true every time he utters it. Descartes proves all this and leaves nothing vulnerable to the skeptics, but his methods are quite extreme. Perhaps Descartes could have defeated his skeptics by proving his philosophical goal in a slig htly different manner. Descartes' main two philosophical goals in the Mediations were to prove the existence of God and to demonstrate the distinction of the soul from the body. To prove these two points, Descartes writes six separate meditations which delve deep into the philosophical recesses of his mind. The task of proving the existence of God seems easier for Descartes than proving that the body and soul exist separately. Once he proves that there is a God, however, he is able to prove the existence of the body and the soul. Descartes begins his meditations by denying everything he knows unless it is absolutely certain. Once one certain idea is found, only then may he proceed to rebuild upon that everything he knows. Arriving at his two goals this way will leave absolutely no doubt in his mind or those of his skeptics. Although the Meditations are built to withstand criticism, the work as a whole is not as strong as it could be. Descartes goes to such great extremes to prove his points and develop his arguments that they seem at times silly. Some of his assumptions are made in confusing circumstantial situations and are therefore borderline on the absurd. The idea of reality existing in various degrees is incomprehensible to most people, even the scholars of that era. At other times Descartes is talking about weird looking animals and the fact that he really is a gourd. Times like these make his philosophy very extreme and almost incredible to people who do not fully understand Descartes' methods. Descartes' philosophy would be much more credible if the goals were met without having to go to such extremes. The separate existence of the body and the soul
Monday, March 16, 2020
Why a Career in Logistics Might Be Right for You
Why a Career in Logistics Might Be Right for You Doctor. Lawyer. Accountant. Teacher. These are a few of the professions which may first come to mind when contemplating potential career paths. However, there are plenty of other lesser known options with equal or greater potential for everything from compensation to job satisfaction. At the top of that list? Logistics. Let’s take a closer look at this quickly growing field, along with why a career in logistics may be right for you. What is Logistics?According to Logistics World, â€Å"Logistics means having the right thing, at the right place, at the right time.†While this definition may be a simplification, it encapsulates the field of logistics in its most basic sense. In the business sense, logistics applies to the supply chain of goods and services between the point of origin and the point of consumption. The ultimate goal of workers in this field? To meet customer needs in the most efficient, effective way.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, â€Å"logis ticians analyze and coordinate an organization’s supply chain – the system that moves a product from supplier to consumer.†This comprises the entire life cycle of a product - including everything from developing business relationships with suppliers to directing the allocation of materials to comprehending customer needs. Ultimately, logisticians seek to minimize cost, time and risk when it comes to safely moving goods from one point to another.Beyond LogisticiansNot all people who work in logistics are logisticians, however. The field also has jobs for people across a wide range of academic backgrounds and experiences - from truck drivers and forklift operators to upper level logistics executives.Because of the variety of opportunities, there is also significant opportunity for career advancement for hardworking individuals. In fact, many logistics company prefer to train and promote from within rather than pursuing external hires.If you aspire toward a caree r in international business, meanwhile, logistics is a great starting point. Many workers in this field use entry-level skills and experience to transition to mid- and upper-level positions in other countries.The Many Benefits of a Career in LogisticsJob opportunities for logisticians are projected to grow by a whopping 22 percent between 2012 and 2022. This is significantly faster than the average rate for all other occupations. With this growth comes job security, along with the possibility of increased compensation due to the in demand status of professionals in this field. While the median annual wage for logisticians is $72,780, top earners can make upwards of $112,000.Why is logistics expanding so quickly? The field’s exponential growth largely relates to the expansion of the global economy. As geographic borders continue to break down, new opportunities are constantly developing. Logisticians will assume responsibility for exploring these opportunities, pushing current boundaries, and conquering the rising challenges along the way.No matter where you live, a career in logistics is within your reach. Nearly every company that offers a product or service requires people to handle logistics. While some areas, such as Chicago and Los Angeles, are logistics activity hubs, every industrialized region of the world has companies in need of logistics experts.If you’re looking for career fulfillment, logistics offers the potential of great satisfaction. The work is constantly changing, and logistics environments - from the warehouse to the boardroom - bustle with activity and innovation. This fast-paced work ensure that you’ll never be bored.There’s a reason why logisticians earned the sixth spot on U.S. News and World Report’s list of â€Å"Best Business Jobs.†If you like to solve problems, work collaboratively with others, and value not only job security, but also the promise of quick career advancement, a career in logistics can help you realize these goals while also enjoying rare professional fulfillment.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Constitutional advance in kuwait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Constitutional advance in kuwait - Essay Example The history of Kuwait shows that Kuwaiti people have always been subject to the influence of Shaikh-based leadership. On the same note, critical constitutional movements are evident in the country’s past and present history. Organized groups lobbying for constitutional leadership have put the Amir on the spot for the longest time. With the new constitution, however, the country’s history of diverse and dynamic movements will come to a beneficial end. Most importantly, the new constitution will strike a balance between Shaikhly leadership, merchant interests, and the general welfare of the Kuwaiti people. The road to the new constitution was not easy. There were enormous challenges and barriers that often emerged to block constitutional developments in the country. The most critical challenge relates to the influence of Sabah family. This family supported a system in which the Executive is more powerful than Legislature. Executive power and authority that outweighed the Legislature, however, was not welcome. The Constituent Assembly foiled Sabah family’s attempts to strengthen the Executive at the expense of the Legislature. Most importantly, there were three primary contentious issues as far as approving the new constitution was concerned. The Constituent Assembly debated three constitutional articles that had put the entire endeavor at stake. Article 2 elicited mixed reactions following a proposal to amend its provisions. The proposal was to amend the article and declare Sharia Law the primary legislation source. Such an amendment would have made Islamic Sacred Law the main source of legislation. However, this call for amendment was not adopted. Article 131 was brought to the attention of the house. The article prohibits ministers serving in Kuwait from engaging in income-generating business, professional, or financial activities. This merchant-driven interest,
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
The Colonialism Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Colonialism - Article Example The first wave of colonialism occurred in the early 15th century beginning with the conquest of Ceuta in 1415 by the Portuguese and lasted until the early 19th century. The final events of the first wave of colonialism involved the invasion of Algeria by the French. The first wave of colonialism mainly involved the colonization of the Americas by the Europeans and partly involved the creation of European colonies in the in Maritime Southeast Asia and India. The first wave of colonialism occurred during the Age of Discovery. During the first wave of colonialism, the interests of the Europeans in West Africa were primarily focused on the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The second wave of colonialism marked the major phase of European colonization and was fundamentally focused on colonizing Africa and Asia. It is referred to as the New Imperialism. The traditional African view of time is two-dimensional. In the category of potential or inevitable time, the most significant issue is that according to the traditional concepts, time as a phenomenon has the long past, the present and virtually no future. For the traditional African view, the time has to be experienced for it to make some sense. What is the future as per the African concept has not been experienced and thus cannot make part of the time? Neo-colonialism is the use of political and economic power and other forms of control by the former colonial masters to influence and interfere with the affairs of the former sovereign colonies.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Corean Healthcare System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Corean Healthcare System - Essay Example Just like in most of the western world, women in South Korea have monthly OBGYN visits. Sonograms are also part of the routine. Along with the routine checkups and sonograms that women undergo are certain foods that Koreans believe to be beneficial for prenatal care. For instance, pregnant women are strongly encouraged to eat only foods that are fresh, some of which are uncooked. In addition to these practices, women are also encouraged to relax and think about nothing negative. Koreans believe that doing all of these things will promote the health of the baby.During the labor and delivery process, the mother-in-law was traditionally the only one present. Now, however, other family members can be present. Women are to endure the delivery process in a manner that is quiet. They are not to shout loud. They are to just endure the pain. When the woman has gone through with labor and delivery, she is to come home and relax. Only the immediate family is allowed to visit the mother and baby, until the baby is one month old. To continue to maintain health after pregnancy, it is advised to consume seaweed soup twice a day for the first two weeks after giving birth (Korean National Statistical Office-Women's Lives Through Statistics). Nutrition As far as maintaining optimal health and nutrition is concerned, Koreans prefer to utilize natural methods. Some of the natural methods they make use of are getting plenty of fresh air, taking walks, and using traditional Oriental health practices as a means of preventing illness, such as the use of a fomentation bath or sauna to promote blood circulation (Shin et al, 2004). Other long standing traditions are observed, as well. For instance, traditions to show respect for parents and ancestors are observed routinely. In addition to this, there are traditions that are practiced in regards to the birth of the child, as well as on the child's first birthday to promote long life and happiness (Vogler, 2005). Korea offers a great variety of hearty and healthy dishes. Kimchi (fermented spicy cabbage) is the most popular, as it is eaten and enjoyed by almost everyone in Korea. Koreans are practically vegetarians; however, several dishes can be found that contain a wide variety of seafood's, as well as different meats. Many noodle and soup dishes are favorite among Koreans, and the variety of courses varies, depending on the class of people. Lower class individuals typically eat a meal that consists of three courses, while royalty will typically eat twelve (Shin et al, 2004). Since the introduction of western way of life into Korea, such as the eating habits and the westernized fast-food restaurants, obesity is on the rise. The South Korean media uses educational materials to
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Women in the STEM Fields Essay -- Career Women Essays
In early American history, society believed that women did not have a place in education and high-level learning. They were told not to bother their brains with such advanced thinking. Middle and upper class women learned to read and write, but their education ended there. A woman’s place was said to be in the home, cooking, sewing, and taking care of the children. In the case of upper class women, their â€Å"to-do†list was cut even shorter with the servants present to do the work. However, women desired a higher education. Elizabeth Blackwell is a prime example of women’s fight for a medical degree, one of the first STEM environments available to women. In order to kick-start her education she wrote to all of the doctors that she knew, requesting advice and help. However, most of the doctors replied that they thought it impossible, that a woman would not be able to endure the rigors of a medical education, and that they feared the competition that women doctors would bring. Elizabeth persisted, finally making her way to Philadelphia, a city famous for its study in medicine, to stay with Dr. Elder, one of the few supporters of her education. Once here she continued writing letters and actually found many friends who agreed to support her cause, but unfortunately universities were not included in this list of friends. Elizabeth then pursued an education at the University of Geneva in New York where the Medical Faculty and students agreed to accept her. Wh ile at first the university cared about the press coverage that Elizabeth’s spot would bring, she eventually established her rightful place as a student there. Although she encountered some resentment among the wives of doctors and other people living in the small town, Elizabeth ... ...cLeer, Anne. â€Å"Practical Perfection? The Nanny Negotiates Gender, Class, and Family Contradictions in 1960s Popular Culture.†NWSA Journal 14.2 (2002): 80-83. JSTOR. Web. 09 Feb. 2014. Pollack, Eileen. â€Å"Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?†The New York Times. The New York Times, 05 Oct. 2013. Web. 05 Mar. 2014. Rosch, Amelia. â€Å"WISP Increases Female Participation in the Sciences.†The Dartmouth. The Dartmouth, 07 Nov. 2013. Web. 05 Mar. 2014. Rupp, Leila J. â€Å"Eleanor Flexner’s â€Å"Century of Struggle†: Women’s History and the Women’s Movement.†NWSA Journal 4.2 (1992): 157-69. JSTOR. Web. 09 Feb. 2014. â€Å"Scientists Not Immune from Gender Bias, Yale Study Shows.†Yale News. Yale University, 24 Sept. 2012. Web. 05 Mar. 2014. Smith, Michelle R. â€Å"Giving Female Scientists Their Due.† The Philadelphia Inquirer, 17 Oct. 2013. Web. 05 Mar. 2014.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Choose one scene or incident Essay
Choose one scene or incident, which seems to you to be of crucial importance in the development of the play. Explain its importance and outline the dramatic consequences of decisions which are made or events which take place. Hamlet is a play which seems to me to have an incident of crucial importance which has dramatic consequences. This incident occurs in Act III, scene III, where the King Claudius is kneeling in thought, too guilty to pray to God. This provides Hamlet with the key opportunity to put an end to his procrastination and kill the King to seek revenge, yet Hamlet does not act. This inaction has many dramatic consequences, one of which eventually is Hamlet’s own death. From the outset, Hamlet has been conveyed as a fairly sensitive young adult, he is very indecisive and for much of the play, struggles between his duty and his conscience. Hamlet is a thinker, and this may in fact, have proved to be his downfall. He finds spontaneity impossible and tortures himself with his thoughts from Act I scene V, where his father tells him of his uncle’s actions and begs for revenge to be sought, until the final scene, where Hamlet finally takes action. Although depressed and upset about his father’s death and his mother’s hasty marriage, Hamlet is completely devastated by the news that his father’s ghost brings him. He was already angry at his mother and disliked his new step father as he saw him to not be fit for comparison with his father â€Å"So excellent a King, that was to this Hyperion to a satyr†This also shows just how high a regard he had for his father, he has obviously acquired this view of perfection where his father is concerned and we cannot help feeling that this must be exaggerated. Hamlet’s initial reaction to the news that his father was murdered was shock and then anger which soon turned into unease about what he should do. Hamlet wishes to seek revenge, but his nature makes this difficult, it simply is not in his nature to plot and kill someone in cold blood. So whilst struggling with this decision he removes himself from suspicion by feigning madness. During this time of thought (mostly during Act II) Hamlet becomes very depressed and moody, he also contemplates suicide on more than one occasion â€Å"To be or not to be†yet cannot tackle his conscious even for a decision over this. Hamlet then, becomes angered by the moving acting of a player, he finds fault in everything about himself and feels cowardly for not yet having taken any action. The only action to result from this is another plan which enables him to procrastinate even further. He decides that he cannot trust this ghost in case it is in fact an evil daemon and puts on a play to find the truth through his uncle’s reaction. This plan works and leads to the incident which could have changed the play entirely. Hamlet feels he cannot kill his uncle at this time, there is dramatic irony in that the reader knows that Claudius is in fact not at prayer, as he feels he cannot talk to God, so Hamlet has really been provided with the perfect opportunity to seek revenge for his father. Yet another reason Hamlet does not act may be the fact he was on his way to see his mother, At one time Hamlet had an incredibly close relationship with his mother, maybe he views trying to convert his mother as higher in priority than seeking revenge. Either way, Hamlet does not act and this leads to many dramatic consequences. Hamlet, then carries onto his mother’s chamber, still with the rage that he felt after the confirmation of his father’s murder. He then has an in depth talk with his mother. Hearing a noise which was made by Polonius who was spying on the conversation, Hamlet strikes without thinking and kills Polonius. Hamlet was able to act here due to the lack of time or thought to allow a conscience decision, this was not a premeditated murder like the one which his father’s ghost asked of him. Hamlet could not have possibly seen the effect that his actions would have. Ophelia, whom he had once cared for, and had also greatly upset during his time of feigning madness, was driven to despair by both the rejection of her lover and death of her father. She firstly went mad and then died as a result of it. She did not fully commit suicide but lost the will to strive to live. When Hamlet found out about Ophelia’s death he was overwhelmed with grief and guilt which he then turned into anger and fought with Laertes in Ophelia’s grave. The killing of Polonius also had a â€Å"knock on effect†with Laretes, he was already irate and vengeful because of his fathers murder, this was greatly heightened when he heard of his sister’s death. With this wish for revenge on Hamlet, Laertes played straight into the hands of Claudius and became nothing more than his pawn. Laertes had a completely different nature from Hamlet in that he found no qualms in acting instantly when he hears of his fathers murder, he had one aim and that is revenge â€Å"To cut his throat i’ the’ church†this contrasts greatly with Hamlet as he wouldn’t even kill Claudius when he suspected he was at prayer. The King hatched a plan to kill Hamlet, he couldn’t do this publicly as he was very popular with the subjects of Denmark. The duel scene is very dramatic and becomes the climax of the play, and this situation would never have been reached the point where practically everyone dies if Hamlet had simply used his opportunity in Act III scene III, and hadn’t hesitated.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
What Is an Unsaturated Solution in Chemistry
An unsaturated solution is a chemical solution in which the solute concentration is lower than its equilibrium solubility. All of the solute dissolves in the solvent. When a solute (often a solid) is added to a solvent (often a liquid), two processes occur simultaneously. Dissolution is the dissolving of the solute into the solvent. Crystallization is the opposite process, where the reaction deposits solute. In an unsaturated solution, the rate of dissolution is much greater than the rate of crystallization. Examples of Unsaturated Solutions Adding a spoonful of sugar to a cup of hot coffee produces an unsaturated sugar solution.Vinegar is an unsaturated solution of acetic acid in water.Mist is an unsaturated (but close to saturated) solution of water vapor in air.0.01 M HCl is an unsaturated solution of hydrochloric acid in water. Key Takeaways: Unsaturated Solutions In chemistry, an unsaturated solution consists of solute completely dissolved in solute.If no additional solute can dissolve in a solution, that solution is said to be saturated.Solubility depends on temperature. Raising the temperature of a solution may even turn a saturated solution into an unsaturated one. Or, lowering the temperature of a solution may change it from unsaturated to saturated. Types of Saturation There are three levels of saturation in a solution: In an unsaturated solution, there is less solute than the amount that can dissolve, so it all goes into solution. No undissolved material remains.A saturated solution contains more solute per volume of solvent than an unsaturated solution. The solute has dissolved until no more can, leaving undissolved matter in the solution. Usually, the undissolved material is denser than the solution and sinks to the bottom of the container.In a supersaturated solution, there is more dissolved solute than in a saturated solution. The solute can easily fall out of solution by crystallization or precipitation. Special conditions may be needed to supersaturate a solution. It helps to heat a solution to increase solubility so more solute can be added. A container free of scratches also helps keep solute from falling out of solution. If any undissolved material remains in a supersaturated solution, it can act as nucleation sites for crystal growth.
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